Where Can I Taste That Apple?
While we pride ourselves with our variety descriptions, there’s nothing like the real thing. No words can compare to the taste. Frequently I’m asked, “Where can I taste a ….?” Here are a few suggestions.
The best place to taste apples in Maine is the Great Maine Apple Day, every October, on a Sunday, in Unity.
Visit the orchards near you. For a more complete list of Maine orchards, go to the Maine Pomological Society. Many have unusual
varieties. Even one or two rare finds can be worth the trip. Below
are some orchards with good collections. There are others, too. I’m sure there
are others. Don’t be frustrated if you call and reach no one.
Just go. By September most of them are open 6 or 7 days a week.
- The Apple Farm, Fairfield, Somerset County (207) 453-7656, applefarm.us. A great collection of unusual old and new varieties.
- Bailey’s Orchard, Whitefield, Lincoln County (207) 549-7680, One of the largest collections of old varieties in the state. Pears, plums and crabapples, too.
- Cayford Orchards, Skowhegan, Somerset County (207) 474-5200, cayfordorchards.com. 57 varieties of tree fruit on a sixth-generation family farm.
- Clayfield Farm, East Blue Hill, Hancock County (207) 374-2159, clayfieldfarm.net. Small organic orchard of mixed varieties.
- Doles Orchard, Limington, York County (207) 793-4409, dolesorchard.com. Mix of old and new. They have two un-named varieties crossed by the late Maine plant breeder, Russell Bailey. Both are extremely rare, if not unique.
- 5 Star Orchard, Brooklin, Hancock County (207) 359-4960, 5starorchard.com. Organic heirloom apples, pears, plums and peaches.
- Lane Road Orchard, New Sharon, Franklin County (774) 265-0614. Many interesting heirlooms and unusual modern varieties.
- McDougal Orchards, Springvale, York County (207) 324-5054, mcdougalorchards.com. Many unusual apple varieties.
- Maine-ly Apples, Dixmont, Penobscot County (207) 234-2043, mainelyapples.com. An excellent collection of old and new varieties.
- North Star Orchards, Madison, Somerset County (207) 696-5109, northstarorchards.me. Pick-your-own apples, cider mill, and farm store.
- Pietree Orchard, Sweden, Oxford County (207) 647-9419, pietreeorchard.com. Excellent assortment of heirloom and new varieties.
- Pleasant Pond Orchard, Richmond, Sagadahoc County (207) 737-4443. Apples, pears, plums, peaches, blackberries and pick-your-own highbush blueberries.
- Ricker Hill Orchards, Turner, Androscoggin County (207) 225-5552, rickerhill.com. Organic apples and more, mostly modern varieties.
- Rollins Orchard, Garland, Penobscot County (207) 924-3504, A very good collection of over 20 unusual old varieties. Plums and pears, too.
- Sewall Orchard, Lincolnville, Waldo County (207) 763-3956, sewallorchard.com. Organic apples including some of the first disease-resistant releases.
- Sweetser’s Apple Barrel and Orchards, Cumberland Center, Cumberland County (207) 829-3074, maineapple.com. A great collection of 39 old and new varieties. Don’t miss their Rolfe apples.

Other New England States: There are many great orchards all over “Fedco Nation.” If you know of any we should list, please let us know. An online search could direct you to an orchard nearby.
- Nashoba Valley Winery, Bolton, MA. (978) 779-5521, www.nashobawinery.com. A large collection of old and new varieties.
- New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill, Boylston, MA (508) 869-6111, nebg.org. The best collection of historic varieties in New England. A great place to study the fruit. Usually for sale at a special event over Columbus Day weekend. Call ahead.
- Hutchins Farm, Concord, MA (978) 369-2480, hutchinsfarm.com.Nice collection of old and mostly newer varieties.
- Old Sturbridge Village, Sturbridge, MA (508) 347-3362, osv.org. Apple Days, each October.
- Gould Hill Orchard, Contoocook, NH (603) 746-3811, gouldhillfarm.com. Large collection of new and old varieties.
- Poverty Lane Orchards, Lebanon, NH (603) 448-1511, farnumhillciders.com/orchards. One of the best collection of unusual dessert apples in New England. One of the largest collection of cider apples in the U.S. They have most the cider varieties we sell.
- Alyson’s Orchard, Walpole, NH (603) 756-9800, alysonsorchard.com. Large collection of new and old varieties.
- Connecticut Valley Orchards, Westminster, VT (802) 722-3340, scottsfarms.com Large selection of new and old varieties.
- Lynoaken Farms, Lyndonville, NY (585) 765-2046, lynoakenfarms.com. 350 varieties new and old.
- Lynoaken Farms, Lyndonville, NY (585) 765-2046, lynoakenfarms.com. 350 varieties new and old.