(45 days) Open-pollinated. Perennial to Zone 3. The surprise sensation of our 2015 catalog, Hablitzia’s success motivated us to ramp up our perennial vegetable selection. Too new to have an agreed-upon common name, this plant has everything else. Originating in the Caucasus Mountains, this very hardy perennial, grows 6–9' long in 2–3 months once it is established. In the very early spring when few other edible greens have surfaced. It offers tasty shoots and the subsequent leaves make a delicious tender spinach-like vegetable without any bitterness. Moreover, it’s beautiful, and was introduced into Sweden around 1870 as an attractive vine to screen houses with its heart-shaped leaves. And, finally, though it is best grown in sun to maximize its productivity, it will also do well in its native habitat, the understory of temperate forests. Best germinated with stratification, and slow-growing in the first year. ~1,360 seeds/g. ①
Please note: This seed has a germination of 45% with 32% dormancy. Dormancy is a smart adaptation some plants have made to make sure their seeds don’t sprout immediately after ripening in the late fall, but rather wait until spring when they can thrive instead of dying in winter. Once you receive your seed, you can break dormancy through stratification. Hablitzia tamnoides likes 15–30 days of cold and moist stratification. You can do this by placing seeds on a damp paper towel in a zip lock bag. Put the bag in your refrigerator labeled with the type of seed and when the will be ready. Another option is to plant your seeds in a plastic pots with potting soil or compost and put them outside or in a root cellar or cold basement.
Seeds also requires cool temperatures (but above freezing) to germinate. You can simply leave them in the refrigerator or cold space in pots until they sprout. Take care to not expose young fragile seedlings to hot dry conditions.
These Hablitzia tamnoides take extra work and care to sprout and grow, but we believe this labor is well worth a hearty, vigorous perennial green that will eventual provide you with tasty, nutrition packed shoots and leaves for years to come.or resume an order